The Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment™ (BA) is a workplace assessment tool designed over 60 years ago to measure four key behavioral drives that significantly impact workplace behaviors. These drives are:

  • Dominance (A): The drive to exert influence on people or events.
  • Extraversion (B): The drive for social interaction with others.
  • Patience (C): The drive to have consistency and stability.
  • Formality (D): The drive to conform to rules and structure.

The BA uses an 86-item, free-choice, adjective checklist to identify an individual's behavioral pattern.

Responses to the assessment are translated into a behavioral pattern represented on a spectrum. Each of the four drives is plotted on this spectrum. A drive to the left of the midpoint indicates a low amount of that drive, while a drive to the right indicates a high amount. The further a drive is from the midpoint, the more pronounced that behavior will be in the workplace.